Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome To The Mobile Blogging Tutorial

Hmmm... maybe, you still don't understand what the meaning of the mobile blogging ?? Okay... on this opportunity, on this first post, I will explain all about mobile blogging and the matters relating.

Mobile blogging is a one metode of blogging in which the author publishes his blog entries directly to the web, changing template, adjust widget, edit HTML, edit layout, blog walking and perform many other blogging activities, just from phone or other handheld devices only, via a web browser or applications that supports it. A habit of mobile blogging, helps bloggers to post write directly from their phones even when moving or traveling. This mobile blogging is popular among people with camera-equipped mobile phones that allows us, send photos by e-mail or MMS later appeared as an entry on the website, using the mobile browser to publish content directly to the blogging platform with mobile post compatibility. And for the next editing process we can use applications supporting.
Mobile blogging is very helpful to tourists and travelers or when access to a computer with internet connection maybe difficult. The travelers can take photos and with GPRS or WAP enabled phone can easily upload as images with text descriptions directly into his blog. This requires a suitable blogging platform or website with the necessary features pluginsor can receive such an email and also posting us to the website.
A mobile blogging platform offers the ability to use the phone for the administration, editing and writing of the mobile phone and smartphone browser or with applications that supports it.

And the following support facilities for that, include :
● one java or symbian phones that already support copy paste and e-mail or MMS.
In this case, I use Sonny Ericsson K550i, why? Because, with my Sonny Ericsson K550i, I can copy paste many text with one click only. I can send or received email too every time and every where. In addition, with this phone I also can store data up to 2000 Mb, I can run multiple applications within the same time, while listening to my favorite music, heheee.... nice...

..♫..♪..♫..♪.. some thing in the words you never said...
makes me feel I ain't seen nothing yet..♫..♪..♫..♪..
catch me now I'm falling, here the angels calling... calling some where deep inside my head...♫..♪..♫..♪..

(Song : Teardrops by The Radios)

hmmm... listening my favorit musik is very nice...

● okay... the next supporting facilities for mobile blogging is a cellular SIM Card with a cheaper data package. In this case, I choose a monthly data package from AXIS. Why? Because with AXIS, I only pay Rp. 0.4 / kb if I bought a monthly data package with Rp. 40.000 / 100 Mb only, wow... really cheap you know....
for more information, please contact *777# with your AXIS and follow the instructions.

● and for the last of supporting facilities is an applications. What applications do we need?? for the first, you must have an Opera Mini version 4.2 final edition and Opera Mini version 3.12 t6. And then, you must have a Bolt Browser applications too.
Remember..!! Don't use Opera Mini version 5 beta, it's make me feel very very dissatisfied. Why..? I will publish the answer in the next article, so.. please wait my next post.
Okay Guys... see you next post.#

Comments :

26 comments to “Welcome To The Mobile Blogging Tutorial”

yeeeeeeaaaa.... I am the first...!!

who' next..??

Kang Sugeng said...

saya keduaxxxxxx yaaaa

si Rusa Bawean said...

jiaahh.. kang sugeng kok yang kedua yah?! curang euy!! :p

btw,, aku belum pernah blogging pake hape neh mas.. ribet soalnya.. lagian kalo soal pulsanya gimana?! hmm.. berarti harus nyari sim card yg murah dong yah...

Yolizz said...

saya jg belum pernah posting via hape. seru juga kali ya, tapi kita harus punya hape yang mendukung doong..hape masih jadul neh..hehe

Kontes Mbah Gendeng said...

hmm, , ngeblog lewat hape juga tergantung dari hape nya . . . . Bener gak y? hmm :D

Blogger Nekad said...

wow this is an awesome blog..............congratulation for the blog kang!!! just happy for blogging!

by the way this is the treat that i need for my mobile, so i can blogging from my mobile!!!

Jhoni20 said...

I Think Everything is okey I Didn,t found a mistake in writing and tenses all is perrfect

Sohra Rusdi said...

congrats kang, hope this blog will be usefull for the others,
btw, about your blog description (... editing html,...), i think it will be better if you change to "html editing",
it's just my opinion...
i've followed yours...

Berry Devanda said...

henny suka lagu teardrops itu, biarpun bikin "hiks..hiks"
jadi henny yang keberapa nih? :p

none said...

@henny : kamu yg ke 9 Mbak Hen
@berry : thank's Mas, I will soon edit it. It's okay
@munir + jhoni : thank you, thank you
@bloger nekad : yup betul bngt Mas, kan sudah saya jelaskan di atas
@kontes mbah gendeng : walah buang aja ke kali Njagir Mas
@yollisz : kan udah tak jelasin Neng, pake kartu AXIS, ndak mbaca ya?
@si Rusa bawean : cuma gitu doank komentnya?

Kang Sugeng said...

Congrats Mr.sugeng. I hope next post ngbhas buat readmore yg gampang... Amin ya allah. (kang dngarkn curhatku)

Ivan Rahmadiawan said...

untuk pengawalan keren juga kang, sampe membahas sim cardnya juga.... aq sech masih belum yak nyoba pake hape....

vie_three said...

Saya harus ganti HP jadul saya dulu Mas....


jiaaahhh... telat deh gw... hihihihihi

BrenciA KerenS said...
on baru nih kang....walah selamat ya.....

HB Seven said...

ngasih selamat dulu perlu selamatan punya rumah baru

prediksi togel said...

Wah selamat nih kang. Rumah baru yg keren. Mantap bahasa Inggrisnya.

ivan kavalera said...

@ivan : makasih Kang
@prediksi togel : hahaha..... si Mbah ini bisa aja
@fajar : iya Kang , makasih ya...
@brencia : syukurin deh......
@setiawan : iya Bang saya tunggu koq..
@vie_three : maturnuwun Mbak
@ivan : Insya Allah nanti pasti saya posting Van

Kang Sugeng said...

KAng, materi aku terus terang gak iso ngomentari, masalah boso inggris ku sing cekak.

Seko tampilan Ok, adem wernaning biru, tapi Header'e, kombinasi gambar - tulisan kok koyo mati, kurang sreg. Tapi ini gur menurutku lho kang....

Meski tempat istemewa dah kehabisan, tetep tak FOLLOW....

PRof said...

Congratulation to Mr.Kang Sugeng for the brand new blog, hope this can be successful in the future.

T.Yonaskummen said...

mampir siang baca-baca info terbaru dan keren dari kang Sugeng.

ivan kavalera said...

telat yah, daftar?
Ga papa deh, jadi yg nomor 13..
semoga ga jadi angka sial!
Saya tunggu postingan yg laen Mas.
Dan.. salam kenal juga dounk.

-Gek- said...

kekekekekeke...........sudah dipajang screen shotnya!!!! thanks alot a kang!?!?!!?

jhoni said...

Makasih sobat,.... apapun yang dianggap baik,,,..
Moga sukses selalu.


hore banner saya udah dipasang tuh kok malah seram yah tulisannya

Sohra Rusdi said...

I usually don’t post on blogs but ya forced me to, great info.. excellent! I really like to enjoy learning on this site. I will surely bookmark this site for my future use. Good work!

disque dur externe said...

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