Before registering to the Blogger service, we must have a Gmail address.
What is Gmail?
Gmail or Google Mail is one of the email service of Google's products, which this email address will be used as a user name at the time we log into Blogger.
Why should Gmail?
Because if you use the other email services (not Gmail) will not support with Blogger, so it's a must, if you want to create a blog on Blogger. Must have a Gmail address. If you don't have that Gmail account, I'll teach you easy steps or how to register to the service.
Steps to register for Gmail is :
For the first, open your mobile web browser, in this case, we use the Opera Mini v4.2 as its web client. And then type this URL in the Address Bar, and don't forget to press enter for next.
If the page has been opened, on that page, click on Sign up for Gmail, that means we as a new user who will perform the first registration process. And then on the page will be appear "Create An Account"
In here, we required to enter some personal data.
So, enter your data in accordance with their instructions (Gmail).
Example input data is :
First Name : enter your first name there
Last name : fill with your last name
Login Name : this is your email name (your id)
Choose a password : enter password / keyword at least 8 characters
Enter again : enter the same password as above
Question : choose the question that will be appear (this is necessary if we forget our password)
Answers : input the answer (this answer should be remembered and noted)
Email Secondary : optional, but if we have another email address we can putting.
Location : your location now
Word Verification : enter numbers or letters in accordance with the drawings underneath (Fig. it looks a bit strange and abstract)
If you've finished entering data above, click the button, "I Accept. Create my account now"
Okay, until here email creation stage has been completed. If no error, the proccess of making your email have been succesfull.
Save your email address and your password in the safe place.
Congratulations you are already have an email address from Gmail service right now.
Well this is the email address which we shall use to register on the Blogger service.
nice inpo bang.. tapi aku dah punya account gugel beberapa.. hihihihiihihi
nice infooo
katanya untuk daftar adsense harus pake gmail ya kang taapi udah terlanjur pake ymail btw nice onfo kang
wew nice info kang.. thanks :)
wow... blognya keren bngt Mas, sangat profesional, bahasa Inggris pula, gak ku sangka ternyata km pintar juga bebahasa Inggris.
weew.. tambah keren euy.. sekarang pake bahasa linggis neh.. he..he.. sukses terus yah ngeblognya..!!
Another great info!
As a newbie I am finding them easy to follow as I can open another window and copy what you are doing rather than have to take notes and try it afterwards.